Every one of Sound Leisure’s jukeboxes are made to order creating bespoke machines for their customers. Sound Leisure remain one of only two traditional Jukebox manufacturers in the World. They export 75% of their jukeboxes across the globe from their family run base in Yorkshire.
With a strong focus on quality, superior materials and a local touch Sound Leisure has worked with NSF Controls for many years. Sound Leisure build their Jukeboxes to stand the test of time, one of NSF Controls core principles. We design and manufacture our solenoids from scratch in our integrated manufacturing facilities ensuring the best quality products for our customers.
NSF Controls supplies a series of tubular solenoids customised to Sound Leisure’s needs, including a special plunger and return spring. The tubular solenoid moves the tone arm on and off of the record, placing the stylus (needle) in the correct place.
For more information on Sound Leisure and to follow their latest developments visit their website.
Or find them on Facebook.